Welcome to ICORE Australia

Australia’s Premier Revolver Competition Organisation

Upcoming Matches

09 Nov
9 November - 10 November
Location: Pine Valley Pistol Club

ICORE Australia

What to know about ICORE.

Is ICORE Safe?

Yes. All matches are shot under the direction of the Range Officer (RO) who supervise the range and all competitors. The matches are also shot on “cold” ranges, so only the person about to shoot the stage will be handling and loading their revolver under the guidance of the RO.

What Firearm Can I Use?

Predominantly eight shot revolvers are used with an optic sight in Open Division, or metallic sights in Limited Division. Six shot revolvers with metallic sights and moonclips can compete in Limited 6 Division and six shot revolvers with metallic sights and speed loaders can compete in Classic Division.

ICORE Scoring

ICORE is a time plus penalties scoring system. The targets are a cardboard material NRA D1 which are the shape of a tombstone. The scoring areas on the target are a X ring which takes off a variable time as per the written stage brief (WSB), the A ring which gives you a zero penalty, the B ring which adds one second and the C zone (anything outside the B ring) will add two seconds to your raw time.

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